Hey gals. I've been to three meet-ups these weeks so time for a quick report.
(I had absolutely no idea about what should I wear, so I got lazy and pilled up pearl to do some hime outfit. With twice the same haistyle. No shame)
First, on april 27th we had the Easter day meet-up and another one to meet Fanny Rosie, which was travelling in France.
The Easter meet was with Paris's bigger, younger j-fashion and lolita comm. It was planned as a picnic but the weather was not that great, infortunatly. I just tagged in for an hour or so before leaving for the second event. (all of these pictures are taken from the event page, thus are not mine)
We were around 60 ! Quite noisy but really fun ! I was glad to see a few friends such as Calypso (who I didn't see for like three years, we ended up commuting to the second meet together), Yume, Amithraclya Miku (what a nickname !), Cynthia, Isis, Laylla, and my dear Valtamerie (too bad we just crossed our path) as well as to meet Agathe, Manon (wonderful Rose as a secret scent coord, dear), this cutie girl with an AP mint print and a blond bob (LePanda something, sorry I forgot your name), fairy kei girl with pixel glasses (Lisa, right ?) and many other.
| |
Classic group |
Agathe, Cynthia, Calypso and I |
Flower prints ! |
And OTTD (yes I smoothed out my laught lines) |
After that, Calypso and I found our way to the subway and met the other lolitas at Place de la Concorde. It was a much more classic and gothic oriented event.
I had a lot of fun ! Fanny is a sweetheart, nice and funny, and I was happy to see my dear friends and meet other lolitas.
From left to right : Lou (Cookie), Nelly, Roxanne, Fanny, Myriam, I, Loliz, ClafouTea, Clothilde, Calypso, Hanako, Sandra, Tro-tro) |
Classic group with a wonderful brand symmetry ! Roxanne and I in VM, Fanny in MM, Calypso and Loliz in IW |
Tro-tro, Myriam, Hanako, Lou, Clothilde, ClafouTea, Nelly, Iza and sweet Miyu |
Finally, Fanny and I ! |
I need to thanks my lovely Myriam for this wonderful meet-up arrangement, the tea place was nice and everything was going smoothly thanks to her work.
Infortunalty I don't have pictures of Marie (Siriusc) and Estelle (Bobon maléfique) who found us at the tea place later ;.;
On may 4th we had another meet-up to see Michiko, Mila's japanese friend who come to France from time to time. She is really nice, well-dressed and surprisingly open-minded (she was wearing a Lief dress, japanese lolitas tend to be very brand loyal and kind of chauvinistic so I was pretty amazed !).
We met at Ladurée and had some tea and cakes. I took an Eugenie tea and a rose and raspberry flavoured Saint-Honoré, but I'm pretty curious about that rose milksahke too. Need to try that next time. (picture taken by the amazing Siriusc, who must hide some kind of marvellous fairy in her camera for I had never loved myself that much in pictures).
Mila, Siriusc, Ludwig, Lou, Hanako, Michiko, I, Charlotte, Nelly, ClafouTea, Sandra, Aliénor (dat dinosaur-flower crown), Tro-tro and Tzadkiel. |
Everyone was so greatly dressed ! I had a real crush for Charlotte's Btssb embroided jsk, and ClafouTea's wonderful velvelt and lace dress. Sandra's skirt was suer nice too, it was handmade.
Nice portrait by Siriusc |
With Tzadkiel |
Flamingo mode ! |
We played that game when you have to guess who/what are you (don't know the name in english, sorry), and we were particularly attractive looking with those small bunny and bear cards taped on.
Boo, bad skin. |
It took me a while to find out what whas I ;.;
ClafouTea was Puppet Circus, Hanako was Victorian Maiden, Charlotte was Kimura U and Ludwig was Misako Aoki. |
All of this was pretty awesome, I had a perfect afternoon with you all girls, I can't wait to see you again !
Tzadkiel's OTTD :
Boots : Axes Femme
(and my messy kimono storgae just for your lovely eyes) |
wow eh bien que de meeting ! ^^
RépondreSupprimerToujours aussi classe, enfin j'espère malgré le fait que tu sois rester qu'une heure dans notre meeting tu t'es pas ennuyer ou autre ! (parce que c’est sur comparé aux autres meeting celui de pâque peu paraître bien miteux x) sous les arcades en mode pauvresses XD ) bref j'ai été surprise et très contente de t'y voir, zuzu ( organisatrice) et moi même ( akemi/fiona seconde organisatrice ) te remercions de ta venue <3
Merci ^^ Ah non pas du tout, votre meeting était super sympa ! Le fait est que j'avais déjà rsvp pour le second meeting et comme je me fatigue vite, je me voyais mal faire deux meetings entiers d'affilé donc je ne me suis vraiment décidée à venir qu'au dernier moment x) En tout cas c'était cool de voir autant de monde, et merci d'avoir organisé ce meeting !